Total Vision

Why Choose Total Vision

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Healthy Eyes
for Everyone

At Total Vision, we pride ourselves on ensuring healthy eyes for the whole family and work hard to help all our patients look, feel, and see better. With many locations throughout California, we continue to set new industry standards for professionalism and quality.

We empower all our partners to offer leading-edge testing, treatment, and eyewear. With the support of our entire network behind each care provider, patients all over the state can enjoy consistent quality and incredible value.

Why Choose a Total Vision Optometrist?

When you choose a Total Vision optometrist, you benefit from:

  • A handpicked eye doctor selected for their outstanding work.
  • An office that gives you the best of both worlds: the welcoming environment of an independent practice with the equipment and standards of a large professional network.
  • Competitive pricing on products and services due to our resources and relationships.

We preserve vision throughout life and enhance the vision experience.

Our Locations

We have practices located throughout California where we can provide all of your eye care needs. Check out our locations in the following areas:

  • Bay Area
  • Los Angeles County
  • Orange County
  • San Diego County
  • Riverside County
  • San Bernardino County

All Locations

Our Services

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