Total Vision

Myopia Control

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Total Myopia Program

Myopia–also known as nearsightedness–is a refractive error that commonly begins in childhood and advances with age, causing distant objects to appear blurry. At Total Vision, we work with parents to manage and control nearsightedness, starting with children’s eye exams, through our Total Myopia program!

The Total Vision doctors employ innovative technology to assess, care for, and develop tailored treatment strategies for every patient. These comprehensive strategies can include:

  • Scheduled follow-up appointments to help sustain eye health through consistent medical oversight and management.
  • Assessments aligned with individualized treatment plans.
  • Soft contact lenses worn on a daily basis.
  • Ortho-k, the overnight contact lenses that are worn while sleeping and removed each morning to provide clear vision throughout the day. 
  • Thorough training on the proper usage, insertion, and removal of contact lenses.
  • An ongoing maintenance regimen for effective nearsightedness control, with a focus on achieving lasting results.
  • Prescription eyeglasses.
  • Eye drops.

What Is Myopia (Nearsightedness)?

Myopia occurs when the shape of your eye causes light to bend incorrectly, causing images to focus in front of your retina instead of on it. When this happens, distant objects may appear blurry. Nearsightedness is a progressive and irreversible eye condition that worsens over time. As the eye grows longer, the visual impairment becomes more severe, making it increasingly difficult to see objects clearly at a distance. 

Myopia control is a term used to describe specific management methods aimed at slowing down the progression of nearsightedness. While there isn’t a cure, we can offer different myopia control methods to help slow its advancement and reduce the chances of developing serious conditions like high myopia or retinal detachment.

The Impact of Myopia in Children

Myopia’s impact extends beyond blurry vision. It can affect a child’s academic performance, participation in sports, and overall quality of life. 

As nearsightedness progresses, the risk of developing serious eye conditions later in life increases. Therefore, early detection and management are essential to protecting long-term vision health.

Myopia in Children

Studies show that nearsightedness is becoming more common. When children have trouble with their eyesight, it can impact their daily life, including reading from a distance, seeing the whiteboard at school, and participating in sports and other activities.

Some causes of nearsightedness can include:

  • Genetics: Factors such as ethnicity, gender, and family history can increase the risk of developing myopia.
  • Lifestyle: Excessive near-work activities like prolonged reading or digital device use, along with insufficient outdoor time, contribute to myopia progression.

Since myopia can’t be reversed at this time, treatment aims to prevent it from worsening

Myopia Solutions: What You Can Do

Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to manage and slow the progression of nearsightedness. Here are some solutions that can make a significant difference:

  • Prescription glasses or contact lenses designed for myopia control
  • Orthokeratology (ortho-k)
  • Atropine eye drops
  • Lifestyle adjustments
  • Regular eye exams

Methods of Myopia Control

There are a variety of myopia control methods, including specialized speactle lenses, contact lenses and atropine drops. Our optometrists can provide you with information on several methods to help control nearsightedness. Control methods can include:

  • Specialized spectacle lenses
  • Contact lenses
  • Atropine drops

Orthokeratology (Ortho-k) is specially designed gas-permeable contact lenses that reshape the cornea overnight, temporarily correcting myopia. Patients wear ortho-k lenses at night, remove them in the morning, and experience clear vision during the day. 

Ortho-k can be an excellent alternative to daytime contact lens wear while still controlling the advancement of myopia.

Low-dose atropine is a promising treatment method for children with nearsightedness. Studies have shown that a low dose of atropine in eye drop form can help slow myopia progression in children to reduce the risk of severe nearsightedness.

Low-dose atropine drops help by suppressing the eye’s growth to slow down the progression of myopia.

MiSight 1 day contact lenses, for kids 8–12, are worn daily to improve vision and slow myopia progression. These lenses feature a “dual-focus” design and work by altering how light enters the eye to help slow down elongation.

NaturalVue myopia control contact lenses manage the progression of myopia through a Neurofocus Optics design that automatically adjusts focus, helping providing clear and comfortable vision.

We also offer SpecialEyes custom contact lenses. These soft contact lenses use multifocal technology to send light into the eye, signaling it to slow its growth. These contacts are worn during the daytime to help correct your child’s vision.

Understanding Myopia Through Technology

Managing myopia early is crucial for preventing its progression and potential long-term effects on vision. We use technology like axial length measurements and corneal topography to manage myopia and fit myopia control solutions like ortho-k and MiSight.

Early management through our technology can help make a significant difference for your children in maintaining clear vision and reducing the risk of future complications.

Axial Length Measurement

Myopia is linked to the elongation of the eye, known as axial length. Axial length measurements are noninvasive and act like a growth chart for the eyes that can help predict future myopia progression.

Monitoring the axial length helps us understand the progression of myopia and make informed decisions about what treatment methods can help you or your child.

Axial length measurement and myopia control go hand-in-hand. Regular measurement of the axial length can provide valuable information on the progression of myopia and the effectiveness of chosen treatment methods.

Corneal Topographer

A corneal topographer is an instrument used in the orthokeratology (ortho-k) process. It creates a 3D map of the surface of the cornea’s curvature, the outer structure of the eye.

This map helps your optometrist determine whether your child is a suitable candidate for ortho-k lenses and whether their eyes have the appropriate shape and health status for the procedure.

Our Total Myopia program aims to refer you to practices with the technology to fit ortho-k lenses through corneal topography and axial length measurements.

Help Slow Myopia Progression

At Total Vision, we’re committed to providing your children with quality vision care. We offer a safe and comfortable environment and conduct all treatments compassionately. Your kids will very quickly become part of our family!

Please call us to book your child’s appointment or ask any questions. We’re ready to work together with you to help secure the best future for your child’s eyes.

Our Locations

We have practices located throughout California where we can provide all of your eye care needs. Check out our locations in the following areas:

  • Bay Area
  • Los Angeles County
  • Orange County
  • San Diego County
  • Riverside County
  • San Bernardino County

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