Total Vision

Your Source for Contact Lenses

Any Total Vision practice can fulfill the complete scope of your contact lens needs. Book a contact lens exam with one of our optometrists, have your new lenses perfectly fitted, and order a supply to keep you seeing clearly without glasses well into the future.

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Your Contact Lens Exam

To begin your contact lens journey, just tell us you want to try them when you book your next eye exam. We’ll include a contact lens exam and fitting during your upcoming appointment!

Your Contact Lens Fitting

During your fitting, your eye doctor will take several measurements of your eyes to make sure your new contact lenses fit comfortably. Then, they’ll show you how to insert and remove them safely. Finally, they’ll provide you with useful information to properly care for your lenses and help them last as long as possible.

Contact Lens Types & Shapes

Your optometrist may recommend different types of contact lenses depending on your vision problems, lifestyle, age, and preferences. Even the shape of your eyes can play a role in determining the right lenses for you! With so many factors to consider, the expertise of your Total Vision eye doctor can be essential for choosing lenses you’ll love.

We offer the following contact lenses at our Total Vision locations:


Soft contact lenses are made of flexible plastic that lets oxygen through to reach the eye’s surface. Many patients find them comfortable and easy to wear, making these lenses a popular choice.

Total Vision offers soft contacts in both daily disposable and extended wear varieties. Disposable contacts are typically a strong choice for those who want to wear contacts instead of glasses during special events or occasions, whereas the longevity of extended wear contacts makes them an attractive option for daily wearers. However, if you worry about cleaning and caring for contacts, disposable lenses may be a good choice.

Rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses may also be referred to as gas permeable (GP) lenses. Like soft contacts, they allow oxygen to reach the cornea but are made from denser and more durable materials than soft contacts.

RGP contacts may provide sharper vision for some patients than soft contacts since they retain their shape when blinking. However, they may take more of an adjustment period to get used to. Your optometrist may recommend rigid lenses if you have specific eye conditions, such as astigmatism.

Multifocal lenses come in both soft and rigid versions, but differ from other contacts because they contain multiple prescriptions. Looking through different portions of these lenses allows you to focus at different distances.

Multifocal lenses are often useful for people with presbyopia, and may be recommended to help control myopia in children. Your eye doctor will be able to tell you whether these lenses are right for you.

Toric lenses are shaped differently than traditional spherical contact lenses. Toric lenses can be beneficial for patients with irregularly shaped corneas who experience challenges with other contacts.

Fashion color lenses come in prescription and nonprescription varieties and can change the color of the wearer’s eye. If you’ve ever wondered what you’d look like with eyes of a different color, these lenses could be just what you’ve been looking for!

See the World without Frames in the Way

Want to know more about contact lenses? We’re here to help. Visit your local Total Vision location to discover contact lenses that can improve your vision and support your lifestyle today.

Our Locations

We have practices located throughout California where we can provide all of your eye care needs. Check out our locations in the following areas:

  • Bay Area
  • Los Angeles County
  • Orange County
  • San Diego County
  • Riverside County
  • San Bernardino County

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