Total Vision

Specialty Contact Lenses at Total Vision

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Modern Correction for Unique Vision Problems

There are a number of vision and eye conditions you can develop throughout your life. Not only can these issues affect your vision quality, but they can also affect your eye comfort and even your ability to wear contact lenses.

We offer a range of specialty contact lenses, each of which is specially designed to address these unique issues and bring the clarity and comfort you deserve from your vision.

Find out how by contacting us today and booking an appointment at one of our Total Vision locations.

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What Are Specialty Contact Lenses?

Specialty contact lenses are designed to help provide clear vision even if you struggle with an eye condition. In most cases, the specialty contact we provide can help address issues like:

Before prescribing specialty contact lenses, we’ll first need to perform a comprehensive contact lens exam and fitting to determine what’s best for your needs.

Specialty Contact Lenses We Offer

Our medically-focused approach takes a comprehensive look at your eyes and their needs. While specialty contact lenses can help address a range of vision and eye issues, we may recommend other strategies to help you make the most of your sight.

During your contact lens exam and fitting, we’ll look for eye diseases and conditions as well as measure the size and shape of your eyes to determine your fitting. From here, we can then prescribe a pair of specialty contacts. These contacts may include scleral lenses, orthokeratology lenses, or multifocal lenses.

Scleral lenses are popular because of their ability to address a number of corneal problems like keratoconus and dry eye.

Scleral lenses are larger than traditional contacts, which allows them to sit on the sclera (whites) of your eyes rather than the cornea. The center of the lens “vaults” over your cornea, giving some space between the cornea and lens and keeping it from affecting issues like keratoconus.The space between the cornea and lens then acts like a tear reservoir, which can soothe symptoms caused by dry eye.

Orthokeratology lenses, or ortho-k lenses, is a unique myopia control strategy we may recommend to children to help preserve the quality of their sight.

Ortho-k lenses are worn at night while your child sleeps. During this time, the lens gently reshapes your child’s cornea, correcting their refractive error. When they wake up, your child can enjoy clear vision without the need for contacts or eyeglasses.

Multifocal lenses can help address a number of vision problems, the most common being presbyopia and astigmatism.Multifocal lenses are designed with multiple prescriptions, which can help you see a variety of distances clearly. In some cases, multifocal lenses, using a technique called peripheral defocusing, can also help control myopia progression.

Contact Us at Total Vision Today

Learn more about our selection of specialty contact lenses and find out if they are right for you by contacting Total Vision and scheduling an appointment at one of our locations. We can’t wait to see you.

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Our Locations

We have practices located throughout California where we can provide all of your eye care needs. Check out our locations in the following areas:

  • Bay Area
  • Los Angeles County
  • Orange County
  • San Diego County
  • Riverside County
  • San Bernardino County

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