Total Vision

The Total Vision Eyewear Protection Plan

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Because Life Happens

We want to help you find the clear vision you deserve. We also understand that accidents happen, and a broken pair of glasses isn’t just irritating, it can be expensive!

To help, we’re proud to offer a complete protection plan for any pair of glasses purchased at any of our locations. Whether it’s for you or your loved one, we want you to enjoy your sight without worry or stress.

What is the Protection Plan?

Total Vision’s Protection Plan provides a warranty to any eyewear you purchase from us, regardless of the brand or design. Add this plan within 30 days of your purchase, and we’ll adjust, repair, or replace your eyewear at no cost for an entire year from the date you bought your frames and lenses


The Total Vision Protection Plan covers virtually all damage that may occur to your frames or lenses.

However, the plan does not cover lost or stolen eyewear.
If your pair of glasses aren’t currently available, we’ll happily replace them for a new pair of equal or lesser value.

All you have to do is take your broken or damaged eyewear to any Total Vision practice, and one of our expert Eyewear Specialists will help diagnose and resolve your repair or replacement needs.

Plan Prices

Your protection plan cost depends entirely on the retail price of your frame. Plan covers both lens and frame.

Our Locations

We have practices located throughout California where we can provide all of your eye care needs. Check out our locations in the following areas:

  • Bay Area
  • Los Angeles County
  • Orange County
  • San Diego County
  • Riverside County
  • San Bernardino County

All Locations

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