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Category: Contact Lenses

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How to Remove a Stuck Contact Lens

A woman removing a contact lens on her left eye using her left hand, while looking in the mirror.

Contact lenses are a popular alternative to glasses for people who want clearer vision without having to rely only on frames. While they are generally safe, wearing contact lenses comes with risks, such as eye infections, irritation, and dry eyes. One of the most troublesome situations for contact lens wearers can be when a contact […]

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What Are Gas Permeable Contact Lenses?

A young boy smiling while holding a gas permeable contact lens on his finger

Contact lenses have become a popular alternative to glasses, providing the freedom and convenience of not having to wear glasses all of the time.  With so many different types of contact lenses available, picking the right one can be difficult. Gas-permeable contact lenses, also known as GP lenses, are one option worth considering. These lenses […]

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