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Category: Eyeglasses

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How Should Glasses Fit Your Face?

A man smiling and trying on glasses in a store while being assisted by an optician or optometrist.

The way you wear your glasses and sunglasses can have an impact on your eyesight and how much protection your eyewear offers. The right frame for protective eyewear is one you will use consistently, and learning how glasses fit your face can help with your overall comfort and satisfaction. Your glasses fit your face best […]

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How Long Do Prescription Glasses Last?

A female hand of a doctor holding a colored blue pen writes an eye prescription on an eye test chart on the table.

Your eyesight is precious, so ensuring that you stay up-to-date with your prescription for your glasses or contact lenses is essential. It all starts with a trip to your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam.  But how long do prescription glasses last? Let’s explore how often your prescription needs updating, how often you should get […]

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