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Category: Eye Exams

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What to Do Before an Eye Exam

A close up of a brown eye with an eye chart displayed over the left side of the image.

Eye exams are a series of tests that allow your optometrist to determine your eye health and if you have any eye issues. Eye exams focus on aspects of your vision, like a retinal exam, eye muscle movement, pupil reaction, and refraction testing.  Whether you are going to your optometrist’s office for a particular eye […]

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When Should a Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

A girl smiling while using a phoropter

Children’s eye exams are essential for assessing and protecting your child’s vision. Your optometrist can identify early signs of eye disease and recommend effective treatments. With how important these eye exams are for children, when should your child have their first?  Continue reading to learn more about children’s eye exams, including when they should have […]

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5 Things Not to Do Before an Eye Exam

Young happy woman undergoing eye exam by her optometrist.

Eye exams are part of a healthy routine each year. For many people, a comprehensive eye exam is a standard annual procedure that helps prevent the progression of eye diseases. Eye exams also allow optometrists to help you see better with accurate prescriptions. Preparing yourself for an eye exam is a relatively practical process. Let’s […]

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