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Category: Eye Health

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What Can an Eye Exam Detect?

A male doctor sits in front of a monitor and holds a control knob and examines the iris of a patient's eye that is showing on the monitor.

Your optometrist does much more than just determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses during a comprehensive eye exam.  He or she will also examine your eyes for common and rare eye diseases, evaluate how well your eyes work together as a team, and look for signs of a variety of potentially serious health […]

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Why Do My Eyes Feel Sore When I Blink?

A woman with her eyes closed covers one eye with her hand in discomfort.

About Blinking & Eye Problems Blinking, like breathing, is a reflex. While we can control it to some extent, we usually don’t think about it. The average person blinks 900–1,200 times an hour. A blink lasts about 0.1–0.4 seconds, accounting for 10% of the time you’re awake. When your eyes feel sore when you blink, […]

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