Total Vision
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What Is Considered Normal Vision?

A patient reading an eye chart to test visual acuity

Normal vision, often called 20/20 vision, is the ability to see clearly at 20 feet what should typically be visible at that distance. This term is a universal standard for visual acuity, representing the clarity or sharpness of your vision. During a comprehensive eye exam, an eye doctor uses this measure as a crucial tool […]

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10 Tips to Streamline Business Operations in Your Optometry Practice

An optometrist in his clinic sitting and working on a computer.

10 Tips to Streamline Business Operations in Your Optometry Practice When you’re running an optometry practice, it can seem like your hands are always full. No matter how well-trained your staff is or how passionate you are about providing high-quality care, it can be common to experience burnout.  That could be a sign it’s time […]

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How Should Glasses Fit Your Face?

A man smiling and trying on glasses in a store while being assisted by an optician or optometrist.

The way you wear your glasses and sunglasses can have an impact on your eyesight and how much protection your eyewear offers. The right frame for protective eyewear is one you will use consistently, and learning how glasses fit your face can help with your overall comfort and satisfaction. Your glasses fit your face best […]

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