Total Vision
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Optometry Practice Management in 10 Steps

A female staff at the clinic is assisting the patients with their needs.

Optometry is a dynamic, fast-paced, and growing field. And running an optometry practice takes a lot of work. Beyond exceptional patient care, operating an optometry practice requires managing employees, handling finances, purchasing equipment or tools, and developing and strengthening relationships. So, how do you overcome these challenges in caring for your patients and dealing with […]

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Can American Optometrists Practice Abroad?

An American doctor practices optometry in a clinic abroad

Healthy eyes and clear vision begin with comprehensive eye exams with your optometrist. Beyond eye exams, your optometrist provides specialty eye care services such as dry eye and myopia control.  But can American optometrists practice abroad? Let’s explore the different qualifications and how optometry works worldwide.  Going Down the Optometry Path Optometry is a fascinating […]

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How Long Do Prescription Glasses Last?

A female hand of a doctor holding a colored blue pen writes an eye prescription on an eye test chart on the table.

Your eyesight is precious, so ensuring that you stay up-to-date with your prescription for your glasses or contact lenses is essential. It all starts with a trip to your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam.  But how long do prescription glasses last? Let’s explore how often your prescription needs updating, how often you should get […]

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What Can an Eye Exam Detect?

A male doctor sits in front of a monitor and holds a control knob and examines the iris of a patient's eye that is showing on the monitor.

Your optometrist does much more than just determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses during a comprehensive eye exam.  He or she will also examine your eyes for common and rare eye diseases, evaluate how well your eyes work together as a team, and look for signs of a variety of potentially serious health […]

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How Much Do Optometrists Make with Their Own Practice?

A female optometrist smiling

An optometrist’s salary can vary depending on a number of factors, such as whether they own their practice or are employed at a practice. Being an optometrist and owning an optometry practice are very different occupations, but often go hand-in-hand. Owning a practice can have a much higher return, but requires a lot more work […]

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Can Optometrists Prescribe Medication in California?

An orange prescription pill bottle laying on a counter with white pills spilled out of it

California is the most heavily regulated state in America, with almost 400,000 regulatory restrictions. Unfortunately, some of these restrictions affected the level of care that an optometrist could provide if they discovered something during an eye examination. Up until recently, an optometrist would have to refer their patients to an ophthalmologist or other medical doctor […]

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What to Do Before an Eye Exam

A close up of a brown eye with an eye chart displayed over the left side of the image.

Eye exams are a series of tests that allow your optometrist to determine your eye health and if you have any eye issues. Eye exams focus on aspects of your vision, like a retinal exam, eye muscle movement, pupil reaction, and refraction testing.  Whether you are going to your optometrist’s office for a particular eye […]

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